Sunday, June 1, 2014

Entrega final 30/05 A1.1+A1.2+maqueta


My project involves a blind person, I have chose this program so I can work with sensations, touch and sound.
I had the opportunity to talk to blind person, Carlos. Then i made a deep work of the routine, activities, things that he realizes. 

You can see this in the first A1. So first I tried to focus on the wayne develops this activities at home. Here Carlos wake up, feed up his dog, have shower, clean, goes to the work. 
In the plan house it is drawn the paths (recorrido) that he makes. 
I also explain the way he socializes with his close people like family and friends, where they meet and how often. 
On the other hand, he also has free time, so for leisure he plays football. Moreover, he listens to music, radio, cinema, news…. Another thing is that there is the typhotechnology for entertainment. This facilitates the proper means to use the technology for blind people. Help them to access information with tools.
He does the shopping using a mobile with sound sensors, that shows him, positions services, orientations, path to follow, basically the destiny.
Finally in the blue circle I talk about time, It is put the time that he lasts to get the job, the bus, walking.

With all this, I can say that Carlos develop his activities in 4 spaces. He guides himself with a dog and the cane. 
Then in the second A1, I explain the realization project. The aim of this is to make a big space where Carlos can guide himself like a normal person without any tools, so the only way to do it is with the hands touching.
This structure is a labyrinth. He starts with a private space (home) and then he goes to another spaces (leisure, work, social). To go to work he will feel touching a smooth material, paper, because he works in LA ONCE, he is touching all the time paper (lottery). To socialize, he is going to feel grass, he meet his people in the park. For leisure he uses the sound like listen music. So he is going to touch a material rough, that sounds when you touch. 
The other paths are incorrect, lead to a wrong way. So one time he pass through this, he will learn how to get to the spaces. The material is a guide's tool.
The structure is made with steel galvanized making circles ( something that repeats like the routine) and it is also opened because these paths are in the city so he has to be able to feel the sensation of cold or heat.

It's a sensation path.

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